Multi RenderChannel Mia and Carpaint Material
Hello, did some scripting work on a recent job and the Output was a Renderchannel support for the (not so new anymore) Mental Ray Materials. It’s basicly a rendertree compound with the logic of the…
Make Z Pass
Finished a plugin for XSI that automatically generates a depth pass via a lenshader override and sets diverse setting. To access it, install and got to the Render –>Pass–>Make_ZPass. The script starts a picking session…
Shake it Baby
hi, I just finished a ShakeObj plugin that is based on the idea of Fabricio Chamons Camera shake addon. The script adds a null below an object and applies a random expression to the local…
Facial Shape Rigging Automation for XSI
Some time ago I did a automated facial shape rigging solution. It’s heavily based on the Face Rigging Concept of Jason Osipa, and the setup is ispired by the “Maya SuperToon Modeling And Rigging” Tutorials….